Multi-Million Dollar, Countywide Oral Health Initiative

The First 5 Commission of San Diego (First 5 San Diego) launched the Oral Health Initiative (OHI) in 2005 to address oral health of pregnant women and children under age six. First 5 San Diego has dedicated up to $5.1 million for OHI from its launch through FY 2009-2010. As a Research Associate with Harder+Company Community Research, I was charged with evaluating this complex initiative. Over three years, I accomplished the following:
  • Worked closely with staff from First 5 San Diego, the lead contractor (the Council of Community Clinics) and over a dozen different partner agencies.
  • Convened partners to collaborate in the initiative’s evaluation design.
  • Developed the evaluation design, which linked OHI’s work to First 5 San Diego’s larger goals and objectives.
  • Created practical, easy-to-use data collection tool in Excel. Coordinated the distribution of the data collection tool to all partner agencies, and trained partners in its use.
  • Supervised a Research Assistant who oversaw partners’ monthly data submissions and provided support to the evaluation.
  • Complemented partners’ data with qualitative findings from focus groups, interviews (with parents, dental professionals and policymakers), a case study and secondary data.
  • Advised First 5 San Diego of emerging best practices and challenges.
  • Wrote the OHI chapters for both First 5 San Diego’s FY 2005-2006 and FY 2006-2007 Annual Evaluation Reports. Chapters synthesized all of the aforementioned data and offered recommendations for the future.
  • Presented each year’s findings to OHI stakeholders via a PowerPoint slideshow.
  • Used each year’s findings to lead stakeholders in discussions of how to build on OHI’s successes and how to fortify areas of weakness.
This project is characteristic of my work: comprehensive, collaborative and usability-focused. How could these characteristics benefit your organization?