Creating a Targeted Oureach Campaign

"It's easier to find a Domino's Pizza than to find out where to get Food Stamps."
–Food Stamp Applicant

As part of a course at San Diego State University’s Graduate School of Public Health, I worked on a group project with the San Diego County Health and Human Service Agency. The goal was to increase enrollment in the Food Stamp Program by designing outreach materials (posters and flyers) tailored to appeal to specific target audiences, and by drafting a news release for dissemination to print and electronic media. In a few short weeks, our group completed the following:

  • Researched and identified two audience segments for the campaign,
  • Designed draft outreach materials tailored to each audience segment,
  • Piloted draft materials with Family Resource Center patrons from each audience segment via in-person interviews,
  • Revised drafts based interview findings to increase their appeal,
  • Determined strategic, audience-specific locations and media outlets in which the County could place/run the materials, and
  • Presented the County with a ready-to-use media kit.

After presenting our project to our class and the three County employees with whom we worked, we were invited to present at a large, regional convening of the County's health promotion staff.